Focus on Families

Quality education for EVERY child

As a 3rd generation Hispanic, I have experienced and seen how life changing an education can be.  My father grew up on dirt floors in Texas and was the first person in his family to graduate from college and would eventually become the Director of the largest math department in Arizona.  As the son of teachers, I know first-hand how hard our teachers work to make every day meaningful for our children.  As school board director one of my main priorities is to ensure our teachers have the tools and resources they need!

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Focus on Families

Having two sons in the district makes this position personal for me. Every decision I make, is not only as a board member, but as a father.


Tahoma is a wonderful place to raise a family and we are growing, fast!  One of my priorities is to make sure Tahoma School District takes a practical approach to budget decisions and practices good stewardship with your hard-earned money.

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