We appreciate your support!

I look forward to supporting our Tahoma community, and am grateful for your support! Thank you!

Endorsements and Community Support

Matt is endorsed by Maple Valley Mayor, Sean P. Kelly.

Matt also received this letter of community support from the Ursprung Family:

We are writing to personally endorse Matt Carreon for school board position 5. We have had the pleasure of knowing Matt for the past three years and have witnessed his dedication and passion for Tahoma students firsthand. 

Matt has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our school district. He has a proven track record of advocating for students, teachers, and parents, always striving to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment. 

One of the qualities that sets Matt apart is his ability to listen and collaborate with others. He actively seeks input from all stakeholders, valuing diverse perspectives and working towards consensus. We have seen him engage in thoughtful discussions, always considering the best interests of the students and the community. 

Furthermore, Matt has a strong commitment to educational equity. He understands the importance of providing equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or circumstances. We believe that his dedication to closing the achievement gap and promoting inclusivity will greatly benefit our school district. 

Matt brings a wealth of experience in community engagement. This unique perspective will continue to contribute to his ability to make informed decisions and address the complex issues facing our schools. Matt’s passion, experience, and collaborative approach make him the ideal candidate to lead our district towards continued success. We are confident that he will work tirelessly to ensure that every student receives a high-quality education and has the opportunity to thrive. 

Please join us in supporting Matt for the school board. Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of our students and the future of our community. 

 - Jason and Ginny Ursprung

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